Table Row attr() Issue

Will Davis

I'm stuck on a piece of code that calls a jQuery modul populated with a table row id. I'm about 90% sure that the error is within my jQuery code. Once I click on the button (class="view"), I get an undefined value instead of the row ID.

Thanks for any help!

Relevant section of leads_queue_a.php:

<section class="main">
     <h1>Lead Queue - Assigned Leads</h1>
     <div id="lead_wrapper_a"></div>


$cond = array();
$params = array();

if ($_POST['id'] == '') {

if (isset($_POST['id']) && $_POST['id'] != '') {
    $userID = $_POST['id'];
if (!empty($userID)) {
    $cond[] = '`users`.`id` = ?';
    $params[] = "$userID";

$query = "SELECT `leads`.`id`, `leads`.`fname`, `leads`.`lname`, `leads`.`lead_type`, `leads`.`addr_street`, `leads`.`addr_city`, `leads`.`addr_zip`, `leads`.`phone`, `leads`.`phone_alt`, `leads`.`note`, `leads`.`created_by`, `leads`.`created` FROM `leads`,`users`,`leads_assignment`";

if (count($cond)) {
    $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $cond);
$query .= ' AND `leads`.`id` = `leads_assignment`.`id_lead`'
        . ' AND `users`.`id` = `leads_assignment`.`id_user`';

$stmt = $db->prepare($query);

$lead = '';
$lead .= '<div class="leads">';
$lead .= '<table class="lead_table">';
$lead .= '<tr>';
$lead .= '<td>Customer</td>';
$lead .= '<td>Phone</td>';
$lead .= '<td>Lead Type</td>';
$lead .= '<td>Status</td>';
$lead .= '<td>Operations</td>';
$lead .= '</tr>';

foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) as $row) {
    $id = $row->id;
    $status = get_statusLast($id);
    $fname = $row->fname;
    $lname = $row->lname;
    $lead_type = $row->lead_type;
    $addr_street = $row->addr_street;
    $addr_city = $row->addr_city;
    $addr_zip = $row->addr_zip;
    $phone = $row->phone;
    $phone_alt = $row->phone_alt;
    $note = $row->note;
    $created_by = $row->created_by;
    $created = $row->created;

    $lead .= "<tr id='$id'>";
    $lead .= '<td>' . $fname . ' ' . $lname . '<br />' . $addr_street . '<br />' . $addr_city . ' ' . $addr_zip . '</td>';
    $lead .= '<td>' . $phone . '<br />' . $phone_alt . '</td>';
    $lead .= '<td>' . $lead_type . '</td>';
    $lead .= '<td>' . $status . '</td>';
    $lead .= '<td><button type="button" class="view" name="view">View Notes</button><br />'
            . '<button type="button" class="update" name="update">Update Status</button></td>';
$lead .= '</table>';
$lead .= '</div>';
$db = null;
print $lead;

Relevent section of modul.js:

$("#lead_wrapper_a").on('click', '.view', function() {
      alert($('tr', this).attr('id'));

Because your selction is incorrect. Use closest to get to the clicked buttons parent row (tr). Using the syntax $('tr', this) you are trying to find tr that are descendant of the button .view which is incorrect. You need to go upwards to get to the tr. this in the handler will be the button.


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