Jquery/Javascript issue on checkbox checked add row from one table to another with input box manipulation


I have a table on the say on the left side and it has four columns. I have another table on the right and I want two columns from the first column to be displayed on the right column. All I am able to achieve is adding whole new row, where as I want columns formatted in row. I know I have to append html using jquery but can't find a way.

html code below for left table:

<table class="table table-hover" id="tbl1">
                      <th>Approx. Callories</th>
                    <tr data-index="1">
                      <td><input type="checkbox" class="chkclass"><span> Apple</span></td>
                      <td>1 medium/65cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text" ng-model="qty"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                    <tr data-index="1">
                     <td><input type="checkbox" class="chkclass"><span> Banana</span></td>
                      <td>1 medium/90cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                    </tr data-index="1">
                     <td><input type="checkbox" class="chkclass"><span> Grapes</span></td>
                      <td><input type="text" ng-model="qty"> g </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox" class="chkclass"><span> Guava</span></td>
                      <td>1 medium/50cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> g </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox" class="chkclass"><span> Jackfruit</span></td>
                      <td>4 pieces/90cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox"><span> Mango</span></td>
                      <td>1 medium/180cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox"><span> Mosambi/orange</span></td>
                      <td>1 medium/40cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox"><span> Papaya</span></td>
                      <td>1 piece/80cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox"><span> Pineapple</span></td>
                      <td>1 piece/50cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox"><span> Sapota</span></td>
                      <td>1 medium/80cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox"><span> Watermelon/muskmelon</span></td>
                      <td>1 slice/15cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>
                     <td><input type="checkbox"><span> Custard apple</span></td>
                      <td>1 medium/130cal</td>
                      <td><input type="text"> Nos. </td>
                      <td><input type="text" class="uneditable-input" placeholder="aa"> cal.</td>


html code for right table:

        <table class="table rt-table rt-table-border" id="tbl2">
        <thead style="background-color: #dff0d8">

              <th style="line-height: 11px !important;">Name</th>
              <th style="line-height: 11px !important;">Portion</th>
              <th style="line-height: 11px !important;">Calorie</th>
        <tbody id="">


and the script

  $("#tbl1 input:checkbox.chkclass").click(function(){
//var fs=$(this).parent('div')
//  var span = $('span [for="'+this.id+'"]',fs)

    if ($(this).is(":checked"))


 $('#tbl2').append('<tr data-for="'


      var index = $(this).closest("tr").attr("data-index");
      var findRow = $("#tbl2 tr[data-index='" + index + "']");

The commented code gives me undefined and un-commented code give the whole row.

I know the question is long, needed to give a descriptive idea.

valar morghulis

I have created a jsfiddle for you hope it works for you. click here

you can use the following code:

$("#tbl1 input:checkbox.chkclass").click(function(){
   var html = '';
   if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
   } else {
     var index = $(this).closest("tr").attr("data-index");
     var findRow = $("#tbl2 tr[data-index='" + index + "']");

Note: There are other alternates too.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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