Order of definition for function signatures in C++


I have a table of function pointers, and I am trying to determine whether the order of defining the function signatures matters. Looking at my example below, I am wondering why Method 1 doesn't compile, even though its function pointer type can be determined via decltype. I'd like to know what can be done to make Method 1 work. Any ideas? Thanks.

// Method 1
typedef struct FOO_FUNCS
    void( WINAPI * pfnFoo) ();
typedef decltype(&FOO_FUNCS::pfnFoo) PFN_FOO;

// Method 2
typedef void (WINAPI* PFN_BAR)();
typedef struct BAR_FUNCS
    PFN_BAR pfnBar;

class FooBarClass
    static void WINAPI Foo()
        cout << "Foo" << "\n";
    static void WINAPI Bar()
        cout << "Bar" << "\n";

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    void* pfnFoo = reinterpret_cast<void*>(FooBarClass::Foo);
    reinterpret_cast<PFN_FOO>(pfnFoo) (); <= = this gives me "error C2440 : 'reinterpret_cast' : cannot convert from 'void *' to 'PFN_FOO'"

    void* pfnBar = reinterpret_cast<void*>(FooBarClass::Bar);
    reinterpret_cast<PFN_BAR>(pfnBar) ();
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After expanding typedefs and decltype, PFN_FOO is a pointer to member of FOO_FUNCS, the type of the member being pointer to void WINAPI (). You cannot convert between a pointer to member and a void*. That's why you're getting the error.

I am not sure, but I believe you may have been looking for one of these:

typedef decltype(FOO_FUNCS().pfnFoo) PFN_FOO;

typedef decltype(&FOO_FUNCS().pfnFoo) PFN_FOO;

(In the general case, you'd prefer to use std::declval<FOO_FUNCS>() instead of just FOO_FUNCS() in the above, since that does not require an accessible default constructor).

Or perhaps the simplest (thanks to @Jarod42):

typedef decltype(FOO_FUNS::pfnFoo) PFN_FOO;

Here is what each of the typedefs does in more detail:


The expression is FOO_FUNCS().pfnFoo. That is, create a default-constructed FOO_FUNCS object and access its data member pfnFoo. decltype() applied to such an expression yields the type of the data member, which is void( WINAPI * ) (). That's a pointer to a WINAPI function taking no parameters and returning void.


The expression is &FOO_FUNCS().pfnFoo. That is, create a default-constructed FOO_FUNCS object, access its data member pfnFoo and get its address (in memory). The type of this is "pointer to type of pfnFoo;" that means this decltype is equivalent to decltype(FOO_FUNCS().pfnFoo) *. So it's void( WINAPI * * ) () - a pointer to a pointer to a WINAPI function taking no parameters and returning void.


The expression is FOO_FUNCS::pfnFoo. That is, name the data member pfnFoo of class FOO_FUNCS. decltype() yields the type of this data member, which is again void( WINAPI * ) () - a pointer to a WINAPI function taking no parameters and returning void.

And your original one:


The expression is &FOO_FUNCS::pfnFoo. That is, take the pointer to member (sometimes imprecisely called "member pointer") pfnFoo of class FOO_FUNCS. The type is void (WINAPI (FOO_FUNCS::*)*) () - a pointer to member of class FOO_FUNCS, where the member has type pointer to a WINAPI function taking no parameters and returning void.

The last one is fundamentally different - the other just play around with different ways of accessing the member as a variable (through a temporary, through qualified name), a physical piece of memory if you will. The last one treats it as a "logical" member, as an "offset" within the class. It's the same fundamental difference as between a pointer (T*) and a pointer to member of class X (T X::*).

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