Function definition in C struct?


I have a C code I need to understand. There is a

typedef struct someStruct {
    int i; 
    char c; 
    someStruct() {
        i = 0;
        c = 'c';
    someStruct(char inpChar) {
        i = 1;
        c = inpChar;
} t_someStruct;

(The code doesn't really make sense or serve a purpose, I know. I just simplified it.) So there is this structure and it has two members (int i and char c). The interesting part is that it has basically two constructors, which is a new concept to me. It works normally, but can we write constructors for structures? I couldn't find anything on Google, maybe I am not searching right.

Basile Starynkevitch

Your code is not valid C code (i.e. valid C11) code but it is valid C++ (i.e. C++14) code.

In C++, a struct is like a class except that all members are by default public; see e.g. here.

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