Definition of a function in a C program


In a C program, where do you define a function? Why?

I suppose that the function definition is generally written outside the main function and after the function declaration. It's correct? Why?

Thank you all!

Amin Negm-Awad

You have to define a function outside main(), because main() is a function itself and nested functions are not supported in C.

Declaring a function is in modern C not necessary, because a function definition implies a function declaration. There are still two reasons to do it:

  • A function declaration can be exported in a header file and then used by other translation units that import the header file.

  • C is usually translated one-pass that means that you cannot use a function before it is declared without warning. If you have a function a() calling a function b()and vice versa, you cannot define both functions before declaring at least one.

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