PHP function giving me exception when trying to display on HTML


I am having issues executing an SQL statement and printing the results on my HTML page.

This is the function:

function getFirstName($shId) {

$query  = 'SELECT sh_firstname';
$query .= 'FROM Shaddr';
$query .= 'WHERE shopper_id = ?';

$dbo = db_connect();

try {
    $statement = $dbo->prepare($query);
catch (PDOException $ex) {
    die("Errors encountered while obtaining first name");

return $statement;

and this is how i'm trying to show it in my HTML:

$results = getFirstName(2);
echo $results;

The database is connected properly and everything as I have other working queries. The error i'm getting is the exception I made "Errors encountered while obtaining first name".

What is wrong with this function?


You need to space before FROM and WHERE clause

$query  = 'SELECT sh_firstname';
$query .= ' FROM Shaddr';
$query .= ' WHERE shopper_id = ?';

You need to return result set from your getFirstName()

 try {
    $statement = $dbo->prepare($query);
catch (PDOException $ex) {
    die("Errors encountered while obtaining first name");

return $result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

And you get your value as

$results = getFirstName(2);

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