Display data returned by function in PHP MySQL


This is the one thing that I am trying absolutely first time. I have made few websites in PHP and MySQL as DB but never used functions to get data from database.

But here is the thing that I am trying all new now as now I want to achieve reusability for a bog project. I wanted to get the order details from DB (i.e. MySQL) through PHP Function. I am bit confused that how to print values returned by a PHP function.

Function wrote by me is as below:

function _orderdetails(){
    $sql = "Select * from orders WHERE 1";
    $result = DB::instance()->prepare($sql)->execute()->fetchAll();
    return $result;

Please let me know how i can print these values and value returned by above function is an array.

I tried by calling function directly through print_r(_orderdetails());

Please let me know:

  1. Efficient way of iterating through this function to Print Values.
  2. Is there any other approach that can be better worked upon?
Your Common Sense

You cannot chain fetchAll() to execute() like this.

Besides, for a query that takes no parameters, there is no point in using execute(). So change your function like this

function _orderdetails(){
    $sql = "Select * from orders WHERE 1";
    return DB::instance()->query($sql)->fetchAll();

and so you'll be able to iterate results the most natural way

foreach (_orderdetails() as $order) {
    echo $order['id'] . '<br />';

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