Pause wget and resume when closing terminal

Alari Truuts

I've searched all over the web and have come to the conclusion that it's possible to pause wget with Ctrl+c and that it's possible to resume with wget -c [URI] But what I haven't found is whether it's the same if I'm mirroring a server over ftp:

wget -m ftp://user:pass@server/directory

will I also be able to Ctrl+c pause the download and resume later with just:

wget -c ftp://user:pass@server/directory

or do I have to add the -m parameter when resuming?

The main thing I don't yet understand though is: whether the download can be resumed even after I've closed the terminal and re-logged in later? (I'm currently in the server over ssh with bitwise)

The best scenario I would be looking for is for me to be able to pause the download (It's a huge download and I don't want to lose any progress I've made so far) and somehow resume it in the background, so when I close the terminal, it will still finish the download. If so, will I later somehow have to stop the process manually or it will end itself when the download is done?

Thank you for all and any help!

Best regards,



If you're on some remote server and want to disconnect your terminal whilst continuing the download, just run it in the background with 'nohup' and '&':

$ nohup wget -q url & 
$ exit

The download will continue. Or consider using a terminal multiplexer like tmux or screen so you can track its progress.

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