Stop laptop from suspending when closing lid in lightdm


How do I stop my laptop from suspending when closing the lid under lightdm - the power management settings in xfce or gnome 3 does not seem to apply when the window manager is not running.


At the bottom of /etc/UPower/UPower.conf, set IgnoreLid=true.

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로그인참여 후 검토

관련 기사


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execute script when closing terminal


execute script when closing terminal


Importing "Libraries" from old laptop


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access data from old SSD from laptop


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Stop slide when ended


Laptop shut down randomly when temperature is low


closing dropdown single or multiselect when clicking outside


closing a jquery popup when a element is already active


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  1. 1

    Ubuntu Server 13.10 now goes to sleep when closing laptop lid

  2. 2

    16.04 - When laptop lid is closed, the desktop switches to external monitor

  3. 3

    Which service (ubuntu 13.10) is putting my laptop to sleep when I close the lid?

  4. 4

    Dropped AC adapter on laptop with lid closed from a height of about 10cm

  5. 5

    Reading from a binary file when closing and opening it

  6. 6

    Lightdm not running when turning computer on

  7. 7

    How to prevent screen locking when lid is closed?

  8. 8

    How do I stop a windows from closing after I raise wx.EVT_CLOSE in wxPython?

  9. 9

    How to prevent app from closing when Geocoder address list is null?

  10. 10

    fglrx freeze upon lockscreen or lid close when iGPU selected

  11. 11

    CDockablePane prevent from closing

  12. 12

    Close-laptop-lid-action을 설정하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

  13. 13

    How do I fix Unity from freezing and artifacts on my screen when I'm charging my laptop?

  14. 14

    PC wakes from sleep, when i plug in laptop to the same power strip the PC is plugged into

  15. 15

    How can I stop gvim from crashing when opening a file?

  16. 16

    Prevent Modal Dialog from closing on submit when client side validation fails

  17. 17

    TCP sockets not closing when fetching from S3 using boto

  18. 18

    execute script when closing terminal

  19. 19

    execute script when closing terminal

  20. 20

    Importing "Libraries" from old laptop

  21. 21

    Closing Application and killing it from ram

  22. 22

    Prevent GNU Screen from closing

  23. 23

    access data from old SSD from laptop

  24. 24

    stop menu from getting untidy when changing from relative positioning to absolute positioning

  25. 25

    Stop slide when ended

  26. 26

    Laptop shut down randomly when temperature is low

  27. 27

    closing dropdown single or multiselect when clicking outside

  28. 28

    closing a jquery popup when a element is already active

  29. 29

    Pause wget and resume when closing terminal

