How do I fill a string column using a set in Pandas dataframe?

rajnish chauhan

I have a huge dataset with two specific columns for Sales Person and Manager. I want to make a new column which assigns sales person name on different basis.

So lets say that Under Manager John, I have 4 executives - A, B, C, D

I want to replace the existing sales person under John with the executives A, B, C and D in a sequence.

Here is what I want to do -


ID SalesPerson Sales Manager
AM12 Oliver Bren
AM21 Athreyu John
AM31 Margarita Fer
AM41 Jenny Fer
AM66 Omar John
AM81 Michael Nati
AM77 Orlan John
AM87 Erika Nateran
AM27 Jesus John
AM69 Randy John

Output -

ID SalesPerson Sales Manager SalesPerson_new
AM12 Oliver Bren oliver
AM21 Athreyu John A
AM31 Margarita Fer Margarita
AM41 Jenny Fer Jenny
AM66 Omar John B
AM81 Michael Nati Michael
AM77 Orlan John C
AM87 Erika Nateran Nateran
AM27 Jesus John D
AM69 Randy John A

We can do this with cumcount and .map

first we need to build up a dictionary that repeats ABCD in multiple of fours.

i.e {0 : 'A', 1 : 'B', 2 : 'C', 3 : 'D', 4 : 'A'}

we can do this with a helper function and some handy modules from the itertools library.

from itertools import cycle, zip_longest, islice
from string import ascii_uppercase
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def repeatlist(it, count):
    return islice(cycle(it), count)

mapper = dict(zip_longest(range(50), repeatlist(ascii_uppercase[:4],50)))

df['SalesPersonNew'] = np.where(
df['Sales Manager'].eq('John'),
         df.groupby('Sales Manager')['SalesPerson'].cumcount().map(mapper),


  ID SalesPerson Sales Manager SalesPersonNew
0  AM12      Oliver          Bren         Oliver
1  AM21     Athreyu          John              A
2  AM31   Margarita           Fer      Margarita
3  AM41       Jenny           Fer          Jenny
4  AM66        Omar          John              B
5  AM81     Michael          Nati        Michael
6  AM77       Orlan          John              C
7  AM87       Erika       Nateran          Erika
8  AM27       Jesus          John              D
9  AM69       Randy          John              A

Collected from the Internet

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