How do I turn an array of column names into a pandas Dataframe?


I have a bunch of data that represents choices from a large collection, and a classification. Something like:

pizzas = [

I want to turn this into a data frame with one column for each topping type, with one row for each pizza. Something like

ham  cheese ...  feta
1      1          0
0      1          1
0      0          1

(Obviously there will be a lot more columns and rows, but you get the general idea.)

What is the best way to do this?


You can try first create DataFrame from constructor, then use get_dummies and last groupby by columns and sum:

import pandas as pd

pizzas = [

df = pd.DataFrame(pizzas)
print df
           0       1          2
0        ham  cheese  pineapple
1      bacon    feta     cheese
2  mushrooms    feta        ham

df = pd.get_dummies(df, prefix_sep='', prefix='')
print df
   bacon  ham  mushrooms  cheese  feta  cheese  ham  pineapple
0      0    1          0       1     0       0    0          1
1      1    0          0       0     1       1    0          0
2      0    0          1       0     1       0    1          0

print df.groupby(df.columns, axis=1).sum()
   bacon  cheese  feta  ham  mushrooms  pineapple
0      0       1     0    1          0          1
1      1       1     1    0          0          0
2      0       0     1    1          1          0

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