Where do I find my GCM sender ID?


I'm trying to setup Pushwoosh as Parse is about to shut down. Pushwoosh is asking for my API Key and my GCM Sender ID. I didn't originally setup Parse and am not overly familiar with Google's developer portal.

Where do I find this information for my project?

I tried the API Key listed here "https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=MYPROJECT" but I see nothing about a GCM Sender ID.

Google is yelling at me on just about every page I find to upgrade to Firebase too but I don't have the time or need to migrate to that at the moment.


With the new rebranding of GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) to FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) finding the "GCM Sender Id" and the "API Key" has changed.

To get them:

1- Login to https://console.firebase.google.com

2- Create a new project for your app (or select your project and skip to step 3):

Create new project

2B- and fill the data on the popup

fill the projectName on the popup

3- On the 'Overview' screen, select "Add Firebase to your Web App" (or skip to step 4, if previously added)

select Add Firebase to your web app

3B- Just dismiss the resulting popup:

just ignore the resulting popup

4- Go to the Project Settings page:

Go to Project Settings: Settings wheel-->Project Settings

5- And finally to the "Cloud Messaging" tab. Your "(GCM) Sender Id" and the "Server (API) Key" are there:

Go to Cloud Messaging tab

Collected from the Internet

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