How do I delete a row from Sqlite using ID where my ID is binary data (GUID)


So I have a Sqlite table [Customers] and a column [CustomerId] which is a Guid but as there is no Guid type in sqlite I have saved it as binary so I thought I could use the statement:

delete from [Customers] where [CustomerId] ='|����8B�����\�'

where |����8B�����\� is my binary representation in my Sqlite explorer, but this returns

(0) Rows Affected

How can I delete a row based on my Id column which is effectively a Guid


There are two way of using binary data:

    guid = ...
    sql = "DELETE FROM Customers WHERE CustomerId = ?"
    db.execute(sql, [guid])

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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