MySQL Update null column values incrementally in time order

Peter Bushnell

There is a table with hundreds of entries and six columns. One of those columns, the 'transaction' column, has been filling up with null values, we now need that column to have unique values, existing entries are unique.

There is a 'time' datetime column, ideally the 'transaction' column would be updated incrementally with integers starting from 1 in 'time' order.

This seems simple but after several times dropping and restoring a live database it now seems less simple and a little help would be greatly appreciated.

SQL Fiddle - Sample of live database

Final solution many thanks to Juan Carlos Oropeza for the solution and being patient with me.

UPDATE `my_table` t1 
               @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS `rank`
        FROM `my_table` t, 
             (SELECT @rownum := 0) r
        ORDER BY time
       ) t2
ON t1.`id` = t2.`id`
SET t1.`transaction` = t2.`rank` where t1.`transaction` is null
Juan Carlos Oropeza

SQL Fiddle Demo

UPDATE Table1 t1 
                   @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS `rank`
            FROM Table1 t, 
                 (SELECT @rownum := 0) r
            // ORDER BY time   use your datetime field
           ) t2
    ON t1.`ID` = t2.`ID`    // You need a PK field
SET t1.`value` = t2.`rank`  // Update your sequence field


    (`ID` int, `value` int)

    (`ID`, `value`)
    (10, NULL),
    (20, NULL),
    (30, NULL)


| ID | value |
| 10 |     1 |
| 20 |     2 |
| 30 |     3 |


or just create a new ID field to be PK


alter table `wp_user_txs` add column `id` int(10) unsigned primary KEY AUTO_INCREMENT;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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