Order by NULL values with mysql


I have a table like this:

id            description status   login
XWPggD        bbbbbbbb    1        js
0JIERf        test1       1        js
0gd2x0        nothing     NULL     js
bSIUIu        dev         NULL     bob
0BNh27        hello       1        js
2TYXjd        down        NULL     inge
axE1m5        bobby       NULL     bob
1iSlQM        qwe         0        js
9dPjoP        descr       NULL     inge

I'm trying to sort the output by status(null values at the bottom) and then by login. But I also want the login values, where the status is NULL to be ordered correctly, so that it looks like:

id            description status   login
XWPggD        bbbbbbbb    1        js
0JIERf        test1       1        js
0BNh27        hello       1        js
1iSlQM        qwe         0        js
axE1m5        bobby       NULL     bob
bSIUIu        dev         NULL     bob
9dPjoP        descr       NULL     inge
2TYXjd        down        NULL     inge
0gd2x0        nothing     NULL     js

But when I try something like:

SELECT id, description, status, login FROM dev
ORDER BY isnull(status) ASC, isnull(login) ASC;

I always get a weird loginorder where status values are NULL.


Why so complicated answers ...

SELECT id, description, status, login FROM dev
ORDER BY status IS NULL, status DESC, login IS NULL, login DESC

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