Flag controlled while loop to search txt file


Given a .txt file containing this data (it can contain any number of similar lines):


Using a flag controlled while loop in C++, when an item name is searched for in the imported .txt file, the price of the item (separated by the hash) should be returned.


using namespace std;

int main()


char name;
char search;
int price;

ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
bool found = false;

    if (!inFile)
        cout<<"File not found"<<endl;



cout<<"Enter the name of an item to find its price: "<<endl;

    while (!found)

        if (found)
            found = true;


cout<<"The item "<<search<<" costs "<<price<<"."<<endl;

return 0;

The following variables can only hold a single character.

char name;
char search;

A fix would be to replace them with for examplechar name[30]; this variable can hold 30 characters.

But it's best to use std::string as it can grow dynamically to any size.

std::string name;
std::string search;

You also open the same file twice, once with read permissions, and once with write permissions. In your case, you only need to read it. If you needed write/read access, you can do that using the stream flags std::fstream s("filename.txt",std::ios::in | std::ios::out);

Here's a full example of what you are trying to accomplish:

std::cout << "Enter the name of an item to find its price: " << std::endl;
std::string search;
std::cin >> search;

std::ifstream inFile("invoice1.txt");

if (inFile) // Make sure no error ocurred
    std::string line;
    std::string price;

    while (getline(inFile, line)) // Loop trought all lines in the file
        std::size_t f = line.find('#');

        if (f == std::string::npos)  // If we can't find a '#', ignore line.

        std::string item_name = line.substr(0, f);

        if (item_name == search) //note: == is a case sensitive comparison.
            price = line.substr(f + 1); // + 1 to dodge '#' character
            break; // Break loop, since we found the item. No need to process more lines.

    if (price.empty())
        std::cout << "Item: " << search << " does not exist." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Item: " << search << " found." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Price: " << price << std::endl;


    inFile.close(); // close file

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