Loop in a class and writing to a txt file


I am trying to figure out a way to store songdata as a list in a .txt. The method I am using seems to be storing the values somewhere, but its not writing them to the file. I also am trying to insert a loop into it so I can keep entering "songs" instead of only one. I haven't used classes before and I cant quite grasp how it would be done. I maybe am going about it wrong and need to reformat parts? Any advice would be awesome.

class Song:
    def __init__(self,song,chart,member):
        self.song = song
        self.chart = chart
        self.member = member

    def __str__(self):
        return self.song + " topped the charts at " + str(self.chart)+ " band memebers include " + str(self.member)
songdata = Song(input("song"),input("chart spot"), input("bandemember"))

def readstring(f, line):
    string = line.strip('\r\n')
    return string

def writestring(f, string):

with open("string.txt", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    cont = "Y"
    while cont.upper() == "Y":
        d = input(songdata)
        if d != "q":
            string = " "+d
            writestring(f, string)

    for line in f:
Jamie Phan

Couple of notes:

  • Because you only initialised the class once when you request the information from you user in the code d = input(songdata), the prompt from input will always display the same thing after the first time.
  • The reason why nothing is being written to file is probably because the response from d=... is always blank from the user. You requested the song information when you initialised the class (which you only did once), but never wrote that to file (instead you wrote f.write(string), where string=" "+d)
  • As mentioned in the replies, you don't really need a specific function to write to file when you can just call the file descriptors write() method.

I've re-written some of your code (the writing to file parts) below. I assumed you wanted the user to be able to exit the program at any time by entering in the key sequence q, and have done so accordingly. You can make something more nifty with generators I believe, but this isn't related to the problem:

class Song:
    song class

    def __init__(self, song, chart, member):
        self.song = song
        self.chart = chart
        self.member = member

    def __str__(self):
        return (self.song
                + " topped the charts at "
                + str(self.chart)
                + " band memebers include "
                + str(self.member)
                + '\n'

def main():

    with open("string.txt", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as fd:

        #Loop until user requests to stop
        #Key sequence to stop = 'q'

            #Get user input
            prompt = ">>\t"
            in_song = input("song" + prompt)
            if (in_song == 'q'):

            in_chart_spot = input("chart spot" + prompt)
            if (in_chart_spot == 'q'):

            in_band_mem = input("band members" + prompt)
            if (in_band_mem == 'q'):

            #Create the class
            song_data = Song(in_song, in_chart_spot, in_band_mem)

            #Write out the data

if __name__ == '__main__':

Hope this helps :)

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