Generating random poll numbers


I struggle with this simple problem: I want to create some random poll numbers. I have 4 variables I need to fill with data (actually an array of integer). These numbers should represent a random percentage. All percentages added will be 100% . Sounds simple.

But I think it isn't that easy. My first attempt was to generate a random number between 10 and base (base = 100), and substract the number from the base. Did this 3 times, and the last value was assigned the base. Is there a more elegant way to do that?

My question in a few words:

How can I fill this array with random values, which will be 100 when added together?

int values[4];

Edwin Buck

You need to write your code to emulate what you are simulating.

So if you have four choices, generate a sample size of random number (0..1 * 4) and then sum all the 0's, 1's, 2's, and 3's (remember 4 won't be picked). Then divide the counts by the sample size.

for (each sample) {
   poll = random(choices);
   survey[poll] += 1;

It's easy to use a computer to simulate things, simple simulations are very fast.

Keep in mind that you are working with integers, and integers don't divide nicely without converting them to floats or doubles. If you are missing a few percentage points, odds are it has to do with your integers dividing with remainders.

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