Generating different combinations of random numbers


While trying to experiment with Ruby and see what it can do, I put together this program to generate fake lottery numbers.

I am trying to generate all the combinations possible but it doesn't seem to work, can you see where I am going wrong?

lotto = [rand(1...50), rand(1...50), rand(1...50), rand(1...50), rand(1...50),  rand(1...50)].uniq

lotto_results = lotto.combination(6).cycle.to_a

puts "----START----"

count = 0

lotto_results.each do |x|
count += 1
puts "Comination #{count}: #{x}"
   puts "-------------"

puts "----FINISH----"
Thiago Lewin

If you want to print all possible combinations, just do the follow:

(1..50).to_a.combination(6).each_with_index do |c, idx| 
  puts "combination #{idx}: #{c}"

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