Excel - Replace cell link in formula with value in cell


I'm trying to figure clean up a spreadsheet - but I'm trying to avoid typing out a lot of hardcoded values that are referenced in formulas.

So right now, I have a function that takes a string


In Cell A1 I have "SomeString"

Is there a way to easily replace the cell link "A1" in the formula with the string "SomeString"?


Grade 'Eh' Bacon

The simple solution is to go to the Formulas ribbon > Defined Names > Name Manager > New [or simply select A1, and then click on the NameBox which says "A1" and type in "SomeString"]

This allows you to name a specified range. You can then refer to that name either within an excel worksheet or within VBA.

Edit for additional request If you don't want A1 to have to hold the text "SomeString", you can actually use the name manager to create a name which refers to a string. ie: you can have the Name SomeString be equal to "asdf". Then, use ctrl+f to find and replace all instances of "A1," in your worksheet with "SomeString".

Alternatively , just use ctrl+f to find and replace "A1" with ""asdf"", and have your results hardcoded directly in all cells. Probably not recommended to do that though, for maintenance purposes.

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