how to apply formula in excel cell without the value being shown


The question may be a little difficult to comprehend and i cannot find better way to out it across. So here i am explaining with an image enter image description here

I have a formula in G8. I want to apply the formula to 500 rows.

But when i drag.. i get this enter image description here

What I want is that the formula should be present for all the 500 rows.. but zero should not be visible initially. That is, after I enter value in G9, value should be calculated in G9

I know that we can hide the zeros from the option of excel..but that does not serve my purpose. Is there any way to achieve what i need?


Type this in your result cells.

=IF(A11+B11 = 0, "", A11+B11)

Here A11+B11 is my formula to get the summation of A11 and B11.

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