_.debounce doesnt work as expected


I want to use lodash debounce() function. Here is the simplest example.

var update_from = function (name) {
$( document ).ready(function() {
  _.debounce(update_from, 1500)("first");
  _.debounce(update_from, 1500)('second');
  _.debounce(update_from, 1500)("third");

I expect only "third" to be printed into console. But all three are printed.

What am I doing wrong or misunderstanding? According this article, this should work like I expect, but it doesn't.

Here is plunkr with that example: http://plnkr.co/edit/OCDAChkMes97XcMLJSag?p=preview


You're creating and executing three separate debounced functions, not one debounced function three times.

var myFunc = _.debounce(update_from, 1500);

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