JQuery hover doesnt work


I got a JQuery hover but it doesnt show. The dimmed-item class, is what I would like to add on to the kunden-item class. Bouth of them allready work if I manuely put them in. JQuery is allready in the File so there must be some logic mistake I made.

Here my HTML for 1 Element:

<div class="kunden-item kunde2-item">
  <img class="kunde" src="<?php echo $params->get('image2');?>" alt="Kunde">

Here my JQuery:

  .mouseenter(function() {
  .mouseleave(function() {
Rory McCrossan

kunden-item is a class, so your selector needs a leading .:

    .mouseenter(function() {
    .mouseleave(function() {

Also note that you can massively shorten your code by using hover() and toggleClass():

$(".kunden-item").hover(function() {

Or just by using CSS alone:

.kunden-item:hover {
    opacity: 0.5; // for example only, apply whatever style you need here

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