How do I get an object and specific relations of that object in Parse?



    Default user class by

   tweetBy<string><Pointer _User>

   following<string><Pointer _User>

Table data
-                             _User                                    -
| objectId | username | password |    email    | createdAt | updatedAt |
| z12ttttt | Matt     | hidden   | [email protected] |random time|random time|
| z12zzzzz | Jobs     | hidden   | [email protected] |random time|random time|
| z12bbbbb | Ballu    | hidden   | [email protected] |random time|random time|
| z12aaaaa | Stephin  | hidden   | [email protected] |random time|random time|

-                        tweet                            -
| objectId |   tweet   | tweetBy  | createdAt | updatedAt |
| blabla   | Head Pain | z12ttttt |random time|random time|
| blab12   | Back Pain | z12ttttt |random time|random time|
| blab23   | Sleepy    | z12ttttt |random time|random time|
| blab90   | Head Pain | z12zzzzz |random time|random time|
| blab90   | lets Dance| z12bbbbb |random time|random time|
| blab90   | lets jump | z12aaaaa |random time|random time|

-                        follow                             -
| objectId | following | followedBy | createdAt | updatedAt |
| blabla   | z12ttttt  | z12zzzzz   |random time|random time|
| blabla   | z12bbbbb  | z12zzzzz   |random time|random time|

Desired Output:

Curent user is z12zzzzz ie Jobs

Since Jobs is following Matt and Ballu only their tweet will be shown

 Matt (3min ago)
   Head Pain
 Matt (4min ago)
   Back Pain
 Matt (5min ago)
 Ballu (5min ago)
   lets Dance

my problem here is that am getting the users being followed but not their respected tweets

        var username = window.localStorage.getItem('ls_username');
        var Follow = Parse.Object.extend("follow");
        var follow = new Parse.Query(Follow);
        follow.equalTo('followedBy', username);
            var contentHtml = '';
            for(i in results){
                var object = results[i];
               // Display individual tweets with their respected usernames
               // Display only tweets of people being followed by currentuser

I think the question is, given a user, how do we get tweets made by users that the given user is following?

var _ = require('underscore');
// need a user object, not a username, if the relational fields are pointers
var currentUser = Parse.User.current();

// find follows where the user is the follower
var followQuery = new Parse.query("follow");  // conventional class name would begin with caps
followQuery.equalTo("followedBy", currentUser);
followQuery.find().then(function(follows) {
    // assume underscorejs
    var followedUsers =, function(f) {
        return f.get("following");
    var tweetQuery = new Parse.Query("tweet");
    tweetQuery.containedIn("tweetBy", followedUsers);
    // aggressively fetch the authoring user info
    return tweetQuery.find();
}).then(function(tweets) {
    // tweets are tweets by users followed by the given user

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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