Create dynamic scope variables in AngularJs inside loop

Vaibhav Magon

I am new to Angular.js and am trying to create dynamic scope variables in AngularJs inside a for Loop. This is something as below:


for(var i=0;i<$scope.lists.length;i++){
  var listName = $scope.lists[i].listName;
  listName = $parse(listName);

The above code throws an error saying: $digest already in progress.

The code works ok when used without looping just for one as done in: Setting dynamic scope variables in AngularJs - scope.<some_string>

I ultimately am looking for $scope.list1=[] and $scope.list2=[] as 2 separate arrays.

Any leads would be awesome. Thanks.


The above code throws an error saying: $digest already in progress.

You're already in the controller and in angular scope. So no need to trigger the digest loop using $scope.$apply(). Even if you have to must check the $$phase and then apply.

if (!$scope.$$phase) $scope.$apply()

But for your scenario, it's not required at all

$scope.lists = [{listName: 'list1'}, {listName: 'list2'}];

angular.forEach($scope.lists, function(item) {
    var listName = item.listName;
    $scope[listName] = [];

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