Testing AngularJS scope variables


I'm trying to implement a test that relies on a scope variable. I want to enable ng-switch-when to resolve an expression. This is what I'm trying to do (UPDATE using $rootScope):

it('should switch on array changes', inject(function($rootScope, $compile) {
  element = $compile(
    '<div ng-switch="select">' +
      '<div ng-switch-when="test[0]">test[0]:{{test[0]}}</div>' +
  expect(element.html()).toEqual('<!-- ngSwitchWhen: test[0] -->');
  $rootScope.test = ["leog"];
  $rootScope.select = "leog";

My problem is that the implementation I have for this to work does not get the scope variable "test" to evaluate and work as I expect. Here is the implementation:

var ngSwitchWhenDirective = ngDirective({
  transclude: 'element',
  priority: 800,
  require: '^ngSwitch',
  compile: function(element, attrs) {
    return function(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $transclude) {
      var expr = scope.$eval(attrs.ngSwitchWhen),
          ngSwitchWhen = expr !== undefined ? expr : attrs.ngSwitchWhen;
      ctrl.cases['!' + ngSwitchWhen] = (ctrl.cases['!' + ngSwitchWhen] || []);
      ctrl.cases['!' + ngSwitchWhen].push({ transclude: $transclude, element: element });

Does anybody knows what I'm doing wrong? Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Just to clarify, this is an example of how ng-switch it's being tested from the Angular team. Just to show that I'm doing my test in a similar way but not having the expected result.

And also, I forgot to reverse my code to $rootScope, what you've been seeing up until now was one of my attempts to make this work creating a new scope to avoid relying on $rootScope for a change.

it('should switch on value change', inject(function($rootScope, $compile) {
    element = $compile(
      '<div ng-switch="select">' +
      '<div ng-switch-when="1">first:{{name}}</div>' +
      '<div ng-switch-when="2">second:{{name}}</div>' +
      '<div ng-switch-when="true">true:{{name}}</div>' +
       '<!-- ngSwitchWhen: 1 --><!-- ngSwitchWhen: 2 --><!-- ngSwitchWhen: true -->');
    $rootScope.select = 1;
    $rootScope.select = 2;
    $rootScope.name = 'misko';
    $rootScope.select = true;

So, after moving some code around I found that the variables not involved on making $rootScope change to test the feature, should be defined before compiling the element to test. Thanks @Jonathan for the hint.

Here is the working code with additional test cases:

it('should evaluate expressions to match switch value', inject(function($rootScope, $compile) {
  $rootScope.array = ["leog", ".me"];
  $rootScope.obj = {"key": "value"};
  element = $compile(
    '<div ng-switch="select">' +
      '<div ng-switch-when="obj.key">obj.key:{{obj.key}}</div>' +
      '<div ng-switch-when="array[0]">array[0]:{{array[0]}}</div>' +
      '<div ng-switch-when="array[1]">array[1]:{{array[1]}}</div>' +
  expect(element.html()).toEqual('<!-- ngSwitchWhen: obj.key -->' +
                                 '<!-- ngSwitchWhen: array[0] -->' +
                                 '<!-- ngSwitchWhen: array[1] -->');
  $rootScope.select = "value1";
  $rootScope.select = "leog";
  $rootScope.select = ".me";

Thanks you all.

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