Sum data from two tables with different number of rows


There are 3 Tables (SorMaster, SorDetail, and InvWarehouse):


| SalesOrder |
|    100     |
|    101     |
|    102     |


| SalesOrder | MStockCode | MBackOrderQty |
|    100     |    PN-1    |       4       |
|    100     |    PN-2    |       9       |
|    100     |    PN-3    |       1       |
|    100     |    PN-4    |       6       |
|    101     |    PN-1    |       6       |
|    101     |    PN-3    |       2       |
|    102     |    PN-2    |      19       |
|    102     |    PN-3    |      14       |
|    102     |    PN-4    |       6       |
|    102     |    PN-5    |       4       |


| MStockCode | Warehouse | QtyOnHand |
|    PN-1    |     A     |     1     |
|    PN-2    |     B     |     9     |
|    PN-3    |     A     |     0     |
|    PN-4    |     B     |     1     |
|    PN-1    |     A     |     0     |
|    PN-3    |     B     |     5     |
|    PN-2    |     A     |     9     |
|    PN-3    |     B     |     4     |
|    PN-4    |     A     |     6     |
|    PN-5    |     B     |     0     |

Desired Results:

| MStockCode | SumBackOrderQty | SumQtyOnHand |
|    PN-1    |       10        |      10      |
|    PN-2    |       28        |       1      |
|    PN-3    |       17        |       5      |
|    PN-4    |       12        |      13      |
|    PN-5    |       11        |       6      |

I have been going around in circles with no end in sight. Seems like it should be simple but just can't wrap my head around it. The SumBackOrderQty obviously getting counted twice as the SumQtyOnHand is evaluated. To this point I have been doing the calculations in the PHP instead of the select statement but would like to clean things up a bit where possible.

Current query statement is:

SELECT  SorDetail.MStockCode,
    SUM(SorDetail.MBackOrderQty) AS 'SumMBackOrderQty',
    SUM(InvWarehouse.QtyOnHand) AS 'SumQtyOnHand'

FROM    SysproCompanyJ.dbo.SorMaster SorMaster,
    SysproCompanyJ.dbo.SorDetail SorDetail LEFT OUTER JOIN SysproCompanyJ.dbo.InvWarehouse InvWarehouse
    ON SorDetail.MStockCode = InvWarehouse.StockCode

WHERE   SorMaster.SalesOrder = SorDetail.SalesOrder
    AND SorMaster.ActiveFlag != 'N'
    AND SorDetail.MBackOrderQty > '0'
    AND SorDetail.MPrice > '0'

GROUP BY SorDetail.MStockCode

ORDER BY    SorDetail.MStockCode ASC

Without providing the complete picture, in terms of your RDBMS, database schema, a description of the problem you're trying to solve and sample data that matches the aforementioned, the following is just an illustration of what a solution based on Barmar's comment could look like:

SELECT SD.MStockCode, 
             SUM(MBackOrderQty) AS `SumBackOrderQty`
      FROM SorDetail
           JOIN SorMaster ON SorDetail.SalesOrder=SorMaster.SalesOrder
      WHERE SorMaster.ActiveFlag != 'N'
            AND SorDetail.MBackOrderQty > 0
            AND SorDetail.MPrice > 0
      GROUP BY MStockCode) AS SD
     LEFT JOIN (SELECT MStockCode, 
                       SUM(QtyOnHand) AS `SumQtyOnHand`
                FROM InvWarehouse
                GROUP BY MStockCode) AS IW ON SD.MStockCode=IW.MStockCode

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