Matching data from two tables with unequal number of rows


I have 2 tables, and I am trying to match up the data but all the answers have suggested right joins or full joins, which are not available on SQLite.

Table 1: 

║ Company ║ Product ║ Cost ║
║ A       ║ abc     ║  100 ║ 
║ B       ║ abc     ║  150 ║
║ F       ║ xyz     ║  250 ║
║ G       ║ xyz     ║  300 ║

However I have a list of more companies (with same products)

Table 2:

║ Product ║ Company ║
║ abc     ║ A       ║
║ abc     ║ B       ║
║ abc     ║ C       ║
║ abc     ║ D       ║
║ abc     ║ E       ║
║ abc     ║ F       ║
║ abc     ║ G       ║
║ xyz     ║ A       ║
║ xyz     ║ B       ║
║ xyz     ║ C       ║
║ xyz     ║ D       ║
║ xyz     ║ E       ║
║ xyz     ║ F       ║
║ xyz     ║ G       ║

How do I match them up so they look like this?

Table 3:

║ Product ║ Company ║ Cost ║
║ abc     ║ A       ║ 100  ║
║ abc     ║ B       ║ 150  ║
║ abc     ║ C       ║ null ║
║ abc     ║ D       ║ null ║
║ abc     ║ E       ║ null ║
║ abc     ║ F       ║ null ║
║ abc     ║ G       ║ null ║
║ xyz     ║ A       ║ null ║
║ xyz     ║ B       ║ null ║
║ xyz     ║ C       ║ null ║
║ xyz     ║ D       ║ null ║
║ xyz     ║ E       ║ null ║
║ xyz     ║ F       ║ 250  ║
║ xyz     ║ G       ║ 300  ║

When I use this code,

SELECT Company, t.Product, Cost
FROM table1 as t INNER JOIN table2 as f ON t.product = f.product

it only returns [Company] with an associated [Product] and [Cost], but does not return [Company] with null values.

When I use

SELECT Company, t.Product, Cost
FROM table1 as t INNER JOIN table2 as f ON =

then my output looks like

║ t.Company ║ f.Company ║ Product ║
║ A         ║ A         ║ abc     ║
║ B         ║ A         ║ abc     ║
║ F         ║ A         ║ abc     ║
║ G         ║ A         ║ abc     ║
║ A         ║ B         ║ abc     ║
║ B         ║ B         ║ abc     ║
║ F         ║ B         ║ abc     ║
║ G         ║ B         ║ abc     ║
║ A         ║ C         ║ abc     ║
║ B         ║ C         ║ abc     ║
║ F         ║ C         ║ abc     ║
║ G         ║ C         ║ abc     ║

Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you!

Paul Roub

SQLite does support LEFT OUTER JOIN, which should do the job just fine:

select two.product,, one.cost from two 
 left outer join one on 
   (( = and (one.product = two.product));

(where two is your "table 2" and one is your "table 1")

Running this in SQLite with the above data:


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