Shortest way of counting?


Let's say I have a list of MyClass. I want to count the number of elements which have MyClass.SomeProperty set to True (assuming SomeProperty is a boolean which is always True or False). My concerns are:

  • It should run fast
  • The code should not be confusing to read
  • It should work for any kind of condition (not just booleans)

I know I can do:

count = len([e for e in MyList if e.SomeProperty])  # For non booleans, something like e.SomeProperty == MyValue

But it seems inefficient.

  • Why type a meaningless thing like e for e?
  • Why create a whole list when you just want to count them?

Is it possible to do better?


You can use sum with a generator expression.

count = sum( e.SomeProperty for e in MyList )

Or for a general predicate p:

count = sum( p(e) for e in MyList )

This makes use of the fact True and False can be used as the integers 1 and 0, and the fact a generator is used will prevent a new list from being created.

If you insist on avoiding the for e in part, you can use map and attrgetter:

import opertor
count = sum(map(operator.attrgetter('SomeProperty'), MyList))

Or for a general predicate p:

count = sum(map(p, MyList))

However, this is less pythonic. I'd recommend the first approach.

Collected from the Internet

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