Paperclip (imagemagick) generates dark images


I'm using paperclip gem to resize images. The issue is that resized images are "dark". I attached two examples of the original image and the resized one.

Here is the code generating images :

has_attached_file :result,
  :styles => {
    :medium => { :geometry => '262' },
  :hash_secret => "xxx",
  :url => "/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:hash.:extension",
  :hash_data => ":class/:attachment/:style/:id"
validates_attachment :result, :content_type => { :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/ }

I can see this line in the log :

Command :: convert '/tmp/xxx.png[0]' -auto-orient -resize "262" '/tmp/xxx20150110-9669-z4rtiy'

Original image

Resized image

Mark Setchell

Trying adding -colorspace sRGB into your convert command like this to force the colorspace:

convert input.png -resize 262 -colorspace sRGB output.png

Your command works fine on my (very current) version of ImageMagick as is, but if I put -colorspace RGB it comes out dark here too. I believe the default colorspace changed in recent versions of IM.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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