How can I make this Serializable?


I'm very sorry for i explained like fool...

I mean I can't compile because of error. enter image description here

enter image description here

public class PictureBean implements Serializable
public enum CCLtype implements Serializable
    BY, ND, CO, NN, SA

private String picture_rm;
private String picture_url;
private String picture_16_9_url;
private String author;
private String title;
private String description;
private String p_memo;
private String p_original_rate;
private String move_url;
private int like_count;
private int picture_exp_count;
private List<JsonObject> tagList;
private List<JsonObject> categoryList;
private CCLtype ccl;
private String picture_source;
private boolean isUserLiked;
private boolean isUserAdded;

I use this PictureBean.class for contain image datas in my server.

but when I send list of PictureBean data to activity from activity, like below, Eclipse occurred error line.

How could I send list of PictureBean to activity from activity?

'mItems''s dataType is List of PictureBean.

intent.putExtra(CategoryDetailPagerActivity.EXTRA_DATA_CATEGORY_DETAIL_LIST, mItems); 


Don't put the list it self as an extra. send a class object that contain the list as the only member as follow:

public class SerialObject implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3975620301776205681L;

    public List<PictureBean> myItems;

SerialObject sb = new SerialObject();
sb.myItems = mItems;
intent.putExtra(CategoryDetailPagerActivity.EXTRA_DATA_CATEGORY_DETAIL_LIST, sb);    

Original Answer:

This is how your class should be:

public class PictureBean implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6969933524911660214L;

    public enum CCLtype
        BY, ND, CO, NN, SA

    private String picture_rm;
    private String picture_url;
    private String picture_16_9_url;
    private String author;
    private String title;
    private String description;
    private String p_memo;
    private String p_original_rate;
    private String move_url;
    private int like_count;
    private int picture_exp_count;
    private List<JsonObject> tagList;
    private List<JsonObject> categoryList;
    private CCLtype ccl;
    private String picture_source;
    private boolean isUserLiked;
    private boolean isUserAdded;

Same thing for the JsonObject class.

I believe that you don't have to serialise CCLtype

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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