How can I make this recursive?

Devil's Advocate

Including the declaration of the 2d Array, how can I make the following recursive? I would like it to iterate until there are no "children()".

    self.buildRelationships = function () {
        relationships = [];
        relationships[0] = [];
        relationships[1] = [];
        relationships[2] = [];
        relationships[3] = [];
        relationships[0][0] =;
        $.each(self.children(), function(i, child) {
            relationships[1][i] =;
            $.each(child.children(), function (j, grandchild) {
                relationships[2][j] =;
                $.each(grandchild.children(), function (k, greatgrandchild) {
                    relationships[3][k] =;

Visualization of objective

Given this data:

  • Me!
    • Bob
      • James
        • Dale
      • Steve
    • Bill
      • Fred
        • Owen
        • Patrick

.children() returns immediate children only:

Bob.children() would return "James" and "Steve".

Me!.children() would return "Bob" and "Bill".

The accepted answer would create data that looked like this:

relationships[0] = "Me!" //this will always have a length of only 1
relationships[1] = "Bob", "Bill"
relationships[2] = "James", "Steve", "Fred"
relationships[3] = "Dale", "Owen", "Patrick"
Mongus Pong
self.buildRelationships = function () {
        relationships = [];
        relationships[0] = [];
        relationships[1] = [];
        relationships[2] = [];
        relationships[3] = [];
        relationships[0][0] =;

        var recursive = function(level) {

            return function(i, child) {
               relationships[level] = relationships[level] || [];

               $.each(child.children(), recursive(level + 1));

        $.each(self.children(), recursive(1));

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