Getting Unique Id for a list

Syed Mauze Rehan

How can I get the UniqueId for a List?(say Documents list)

For a root level item(meaning this item is at the first level of Documents list) when I get its ParentUniqueId, it gives me the UniqueId of the list it lies under. Now my problem is that I'm unable to get the UniqueId for a list(when I get the meta for it) so that I can differentiate that this ParentUniqueId is either my list's UniqueId(which in this case is Documents list) or the UniqueId for another item which this item lies under(file within a folder or folder within a folder).

Much appreciated!

Vadim Gremyachev

The point is that ParentUniqueId property stores the parent container id, in case of List Item the container is always Folder.

Example 1:

Assume the following structure for a Documents library:

Documents (library)
   Document.docx (document item with id = 1)

Then the query:


will return the value of SP.List.rootFolder.

Note: the returned value corresponds to Folder.UniqueId and not to List.Id

The following queries demonstrate how to retrieve Documents library RootFolder.UniqueId:



/_api/Web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('Shared Documents')/UniqueId

Example 2

Assume the following structure for a Documents library:

Documents (library)
   Orders (folder)
      Document.docx (document item with id = 2)

Then the query:


will return the Folder.UniqueId value of Orders folder.

The corresponding query to retrieve Orders folder UniqueId property:

/_api/Web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('Shared Documents/Orders')/UniqueId

Collected from the Internet

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