Add a unique ID to a menu item list

Marc Brigham

I'm trying to get a different image to show up when the page that is clicked on or that "active" can be dynamic, using javascript/jQuery. I would like to put a unique ID for each li and use javascript.

I'm very new to javascript and don't really know where to start. Any help would be great. Thanks.

<ul data-identifier="50dd2c0b-3904-4100-9076-627145a3a949" class="active nav-edit " id="nav-main-menu">
     <li class=" nav-link  active ">
         <a href="/about" data-toggle="" class=" nav-link  active ">ABOUT </a>
         <a href="/teachers" data-toggle="" class=" nav-link ">FOR TEACHERS </a>
      <li><a href="/students" data-toggle="" class=" nav-link ">FOR STUDENTS </a>
     <li><a href="/parents" data-toggle="" class=" nav-link ">FOR PARENTS </a>
     <li><a href="/contact" data-toggle="" class=" nav-link ">CONTACT US </a></li>
     <li><a href="/register" data-toggle="" class=" nav-link ">REGISTER </a></li>

jQuery: You can use .each and the incrementing index in the callback function:

$("#nav-main-menu li").each(function(index) {
    $(this).attr("id", "id" + index);

Each li will now have an ID starting at id0 to however long the list is.

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