Have PyCharm call AppCode for C++ debugging?

Shiania White

I own both PyCharm and AppCode. I have a C++ project in AppCode and a Python project in PyCharm. The Python program calls an executable created from the C++ project. AppCode's debugging capabilities are very nice, but unfortunately things go wrong when the PyCharm project calls the C++ executables and I can't use AppCode's debugging powers. Is there anyway to have PyCharm call AppCode so that when the Python code calls the C++ code I can use AppCode's debugging? Thanks!

Eugen Martynov

There is possibility to attach to the process in AppCode. But the tricky part catch the point when executable started to attach.

What I would try - just debug c++ project with condition state as it is launched from python code. I assume that your python project launches executable with command line parameters.

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