Debugging staging docker compose server with pycharm

Oleg Belousov

I have the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: '2'
        image: mdillon/postgis
            - /nexchange/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        restart: always
        image: onitsoft/nexchange:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
            - /nexchange/mediafiles:/usr/share/nginx/html/media
            - /nexchange/staticfiles:/usr/share/nginx/html/static
            - postgis
        restart: always
        image: onitsoft/nginx
            - /nexchange/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
            - /nexchange/etc/nginx/ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl
            - /nexchange/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
            - /nexchange/mediafiles:/usr/share/nginx/html/media
            - /nexchange/staticfiles:/usr/share/nginx/html/static
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"            
            - app
        restart: always

For some reason, some functionalities that work on the local container do not work on staging. I would like to configure a remote interpreter in pycharm for staging, however it seems like this setup is not currently supported.

I am using wercker + docker compose and my IDE is pycharm.

EDIT: The question is: How to setup Pycharm debugger to run on a remote host running docker compose

Oleg Belousov

The solution, however not secure, is open the docker API on the remote target to public traffic via iptables (possibly to traffic only from specific IP, if you posses a static IP).

$ ssh [email protected]
oleg@nexchange-staging:~# sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2376 -j ACCEPT
oleg@nexchange-staging:~# sudo /etc/init.d/iptables restart

And then simply use the docker compose feature of JetBrain PyCharm / PhpStrom or you favourite choice:

enter image description here


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