Passing selectors as function parameters in jQuery


Fiddle Example

Can I pass selectors other than $(this) selector as function parameters?

What I mean is that the selectors (#Aarea and Barea) I want to pass are the ones that I want to append some HTML content to.

function info(a){
  var source = $(this).data('source')


<button data-source="AAA" id='one'>Button</button>
<div id="Aarea"></div>
<div id='Barea'></div>
<a href='#' data-source='BBB' id='two'>Click</a>

But it doesn't work unless I don't use the parameters and specify those selectors in the function.

T.J. Crowder

What your code:

$('#one').click(info('#Aarea')) doing is calling info and passing its return value into click, exactly like foo(bar()) calls bar and passes its return value into foo.

What you want to give click is a function to call. In your case, the simplest way is to use a wrapper function:

$('#one').click(function() {
    info(this, '#Aarea');

...and update info to accept the element as an argument:

function info(element, a){
  var source = $(element).data('source')

Updated Fiddle

Alternately, you can use Function#call to call your original info without changing it:

$('#one').click(function() {, '#Aarea');

Function#call calls a function, setting this during the function call to the first argument you give it (and then passing along any other arguments you give to it).

Updated Fiddle

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