remove the ? and name= in get method html


I made a quick code in html and js. The thing i want to do is via method get, to send the <select> into the url but without the ? symbol, and also the names in the select attributes. For example if I click the button, the url will appear`

What i want to do, is just to remove the ? and the names marca= &modelo= and &ano= and only show the selected items. For example:


This is my html code

 <form name="marcas" action="">

                <select name="marca" onchange="relation()">
          <option value="-">Marca</option>
          <option value="vw">VW</option>
          <option value="nissan">Nissan</option>
          <option value="audi">Audi</option>
          <option value="bmw">BMW</option>
          <option value="buick">Buick</option>
          <option value="chevrolet">Chevrolet</option>

                <select name="modelo">
          <option value="modelo">Modelo</option>"

                <select name="ano">
          <option value="ano">Año</option>
                <button class="button1" id="send" type="submit" method="GET">Buscar</button>


And the javascript I made, just shows the corresponding items that are in an array.


You'll need to use JavaScript to intercept the submit event and craft the new URL

document.querySelector("form[name=marcas]").addEventListener("submit", (e) => {
  e.preventDefault(); // stop the normal form submit action

  const data = new FormData(; // capture all the fields
  const url = new URL(; // start with the form action

  // create the pathname by joining together all the field values
  url.pathname = Array.from(data, ([_, val]) => val).join("-");

  // now redirect to the new URL
  location.href = url;

Collected from the Internet

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