Get the name of a method stored in a variable


I have some trouble with getting the name of a method stored in a variable... Here is an exemple of what I want :

Function MyObject(){
    this.actualMethod = this.thatName;

MyObject.prototype.thatName = function(){}

MyObject.prototype.getActualMethodName = function(){
    return; /* This doesn't work since the function itself is anonymous, so doesn't work... I want it to return "thatName" */

I tried to navigate through the prototype with my console, in vain... Is there a way to do this ?


You need to name the function:

MyObject.prototype.thatName = function thatName() {};

Or, as you mentioned, you can find its name in the prototype (but I wouldn't suggest you to do it):

for (var key in MyObject.prototype) {
  if (MyObject.prototype[key] === this.actualMethod) {
    return key;

But why do you need this? Maybe there could be a better solution.

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