Calling a returned function

Michael Vannucci

So I am trying to write a general memoizing function in Javascript, using this as my reference material. I've implemented it as instructed:

function memoize(func) {
  var memo = {};
  var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

  return function() {
    var args =;

    if (args in memo)
      return memo[args]
      return (memo[args] = func.apply(this, args));

function fibonacci(n) {
  if (n === 0 || n === 1)
    return n;
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

function memoFib = memoize(fibonacci);

console.log("Fibonacci of 6 is " + memoFib(6));

but for the life of me I cannot remember the proper syntax to calling the memoized function. How do I do this? How do I generalize this so that it's the memoized fibonacci function which is always called instead of the original function fibonacci?

Nicholas Tower

You're almost there; you just need to fix your syntax when creating the memoized function. Instead of function memoFib =, do var memoFib = (or if ES2015 is an option, const would be better than var). And presumably you'll want to have the recursion calling into the memoized version as well, so i updated those as well. In the following code it may look weird that i'm referencing memoFib on a line that comes earlier than the line with var memoFib but javascript allows that due to hoisting.

function memoize(func) {
  var memo = {};
  var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

  return function() {
    var args =;

    if (args in memo)
      return memo[args]
      return (memo[args] = func.apply(this, args));

function fibonacci(n) {
  if (n === 0 || n === 1)
    return n;
    return memoFib(n - 1) + memoFib(n - 2);

var memoFib = memoize(fibonacci);

console.log("Fibonacci of 6 is " + memoFib(6));

And if you want to make absolutely sure no one can ever invoke the nonmemoized version, then you can hide it inside of an IIFE:

const fibonacci = (function () {
  function unmemoizedVersion(n) {
    if (n === 0 || n === 1)
      return n;
      return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
  return memoize(unmemoizedVersion);

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