Protractor can't find element by binding $ctrl

Ralf de Kleine

I have a little experience using Protractor. Using by.css, and I can select elements but somehow my tests are failing when using by.binding.

Am I missing something obvious?


<input type="text" ng-model="$ctrl.speaker.firstName" maxlength="60" />

Protractor test:

var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
let firstName = element(by.binding('$ctrl.speaker.firstName'));
browser.driver.wait(EC.presenceOf(firstName), 2000, 'find element firstname');


1) Speakers should ..
    Failed: find element firstname
    Wait timed out after 2003ms
    TimeoutError: find element firstname

There are some SO q&a's but they don't help me in finding whats wrong.


Ok, this was pretty obvious by.binding should be by.model.

Akash Chavan

You should use by.model() method.

let firstName = element(by.model('$ctrl.speaker.firstName'));

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