Can't find DOM element in jQuery

Kyle K

I'm going insane. Take a look at this fiddle:

It's the relevant code from a Rails site I'm working on (for fantasy football). Every time the "type" select is changed, I want to reset the "Direction" select to "Select" to cut down on the wonkiness that happens if the type is changed after the fields are filled in.

Except I can't.

No matter what I do, I cannot access that stupid "Direction" select. If you look, you'll see these two lines:

$('div', location).next('.player-trade-fields').hide();
$('div', location).next('.terms-field').show();

And coming as a shock to no one: those work exactly as they should without issue. But when I try to access the "Direction" select which is at the same DOM level as those two fields:

$('div', location).next('.trade-direction')

I get nothing. I have the alert in there to show me if a value is being returned and absolutely nothing I do returns a value. I don't get it. I don't get how jQuery just will not find it. I've tried:
$('div', selectBox).next
$('div', selectBox.parent()).next
$('div', selectBox.parent().parent()).next
$('div', selectBox.parent().parent().parent()).next
$('div', selectBox.parent().parent().parent().parent()).next

Nothing works. I cannot get that select no matter what I do and after 2 hours of time completely wasted on something that, as far as I can tell, should be working without issue much like the code for the fields at the same level is, I give up.

Please show me whatever the obvious thing I've overlooked is.

Kyle K

Figured it out. I changed it to:

$('div', location).find('.trade-direction')

And it's working exactly as it should be and isn't interfering when there are multiple instances of this form on the page added through ajax.

Collected from the Internet

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