Finding indices of items from a list in another list even if they repeat


This answer works very well for finding indices of items from a list in another list, but the problem with it is, it only gives them once. However, I would like my list of indices to have the same length as the searched for list. Here is an example:

thelist = ['A','B','C','D','E'] # the list whose indices I want
Mylist = ['B','C','B','E'] # my list of values that I am searching in the other list
ilist = [i for i, x in enumerate(thelist) if any(thing in x for thing in Mylist)]

With this solution, ilist = [1,2,4] but what I want is ilist = [1,2,1,4] so that len(ilist) = len(Mylist). It leaves out the index that has already been found, but if my items repeat in the list, it will not give me the duplicates.

thelist = ['A','B','C','D','E']
Mylist = ['B','C','B','E']
ilist = [thelist.index(x) for x in Mylist]

print(ilist)  # [1, 2, 1, 4]

Basically, "for each element of Mylist, get its position in thelist."

This assumes that every element in Mylist exists in thelist. If the element occurs in thelist more than once, it takes the first location.


For substrings:

thelist = ['A','boB','C','D','E']
Mylist = ['B','C','B','E']
ilist = [next(i for i, y in enumerate(thelist) if x in y) for x in Mylist]

print(ilist)  # [1, 2, 1, 4]


Here's a version that does substrings in the other direction using the example in the comments below:

thelist = ['A','B','C','D','E']
Mylist = ['Boo','Cup','Bee','Eerr','Cool','Aah']

ilist = [next(i for i, y in enumerate(thelist) if y in x) for x in Mylist]

print(ilist)  # [1, 2, 1, 4, 2, 0]

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