Summing up elements from one list based on indices in another list


So here is what I am trying to achieve in Python:

  • I have a list "A" with unsorted and repeated indices.
  • I have a list "B" with some float values
  • Length A = Length B
  • I want list "C" with summed values of B based on the repeated indices in A in a sorted ascending manner.


A = [0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2]  # (indicates unsorted and repeated indices)
B = [25, 10, 15, 10, 5, 30, 50]  # (values to be summed)
C = [25+15, 10+30, 5+50, 15]  # (summed values in a sorted manner)

So far I know how to do the sorting bit with:

C = zip(*sorted(zip(A, B)))

Getting the result:

[(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3), (15, 25, 10, 30, 5, 50, 10)] 

But I do not know how to do the sum.

What would be a good way to create list C?


Use zip() in combination with a dict:

A = [0 , 1 , 0 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 2] 
B = [25 , 10 , 15 , 10 , 5 , 30 , 50]

sums = {}
for key, value in zip(A,B):
        sums[key] += value
    except KeyError:
        sums[key] = value
# {0: 40, 1: 40, 2: 55, 3: 10}

And see a demo on

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