Update a value in a list of dictionaries in python based on a condition based on the value of another key in that dictionary

Thijs Cobben

Given a list of dictionaries:

the_list = [{k1:v1,k2:v2}, {k1:v3, k3:v4}, {k1:v5,k2:v6},{k3:v7}]

How can I update the value for k2 based on a condition based on the value of k1?

I would come up with this solution but it doesn't feel Pythonic. Better solutions anyone?

for item in the_list:
  if set([k1,k2]) <= item.keys():
    #cond evaluates to True or False
    if cond(item[k1]):

Maybe this can be done better with a map or lambda expression?

Kshitij Saraogi

This is the simplest code I came up with to perform the same operation:

my_list = [{k1:v1,k2:v2}, {k1:v3, k3:v4}, {k1:v5,k2:v6},{k3:v7}]
for my_dict in my_list:
    if all (k in my_dict for k in ("k1", "k2")):
        if cond(my_dict[k1]):
            my_dict[k2] = newvalue # possibly pre-determined 

Depending on the way cond evaluates the value of k1 and/or newvalue is generated, the code might be further more "Pythonized".

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