python merge list of dictionaries based on key


I am looking for a python alternative to a join.

I am trying to get a list with every second of the day, and join data to that, based on the timestamp. What I have so far, is this:


The keys are the column names

rawdata=[['242418',"242418 Rechts.BD242418: tot Oudkarspel -  - ${pijlop} N242  10 min - N508  14 min${pijlr}",'BD242418','20150701063825','N242','N508','10','14','20150701','063825'],
['242418',"242418 Rechts.BD242418: tot Oudkarspel -  - ${pijlop} N242  10 min - N508  14 min${pijlr}",'BD242418','20150701064327','N242','N508','10','14','20150701','064327'],
['242418',"242418 Rechts.BD242418: tot Oudkarspel -  - ${pijlop} N242  10 min - N508  14 min${pijlr}",'BD242418','20150701085717','N242','N508','10','14','20150701','085717'],
['242418',"242418 Rechts.BD242418: tot Oudkarspel -  - ${pijlop} N242  10 min - N508  14 min${pijlr}",'BD242418','20150701100116','N242','N508','10','14','20150701','100116'],
['242418',"242418 Rechts.BD242418: tot Oudkarspel -  - ${pijlop} N242  10 min - N508  14 min${pijlr}",'BD242418','20150701191611','N242','N508','10','14','20150701','191611'],
['242418',"242418 Rechts.BD242418: tot Oudkarspel -  - ${pijlop} N242  10 min - N508  14 min${pijlr}",'BD242418','20150701213616','N242','N508','10','14','20150701','213616']]

The rawdata is what comes out of the software

sec = ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59']
mm = sec
hh = ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23']
time = []
dictData = []

# Dictionary with all seconds (HHMMSS) in 1 day
for ih, uur in enumerate(hh):
    if ih < 24:
          for im, minutes in enumerate(mm):
              if im < 60:
                  for isec, secs in enumerate(sec):
                      if isec < 60:
                        timestamp = str(uur)+str(minutes)+str(secs)
                        timeDict = dict()

Here I made all the seconds in a day and gave them the same keys, for easier matching

# Turn raw data into dictionary                        
for row in rawdata:
    dictionary = dict(zip(keys, row))

Then I take the rawdata and turn that into a dict as well

#Join, sort off
for t in time:

print len(compleet)
print compleet[1]

However, when I run this, I get the error:

ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 10; 2 is required

Which lead me to believe that I can only update key:value pair at a time, but I am not sure this is correct.

Furthermore: it's a 1:1 join. 1 timestamp can have only 1 measuerement. Not every second in a day has a measurement. The 'Join on' would be on "TIME"

#Same result as a join, by iterating.
for iTime, t in enumerate(time):
    for iData, d in enumerate(dictData):
        if t['TIME'] == d['TIME']:

After realizing what went wrong, and seeing no join, this was the best next thing.

Collected from the Internet

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