Bash equivalent for SQL "1.%"

Juan Jor Orellana

I'm aware than whenever I want to filter columns or... basically anything in a SQL query, i can use something like

Select * from table1 where name1 like "Mr.%"

This part

like "Mr.%"

Should grab any row in which the var name1 starts with "Mr." no matter what else is after it.

My question: Is there an equivalent for it in bash? anything to go with grep, maybe?

Karl Nicoll

You can do it with grep easily:

For a file:

grep '^Mr\.' myfile.txt

For command output:

my-command-with-output | grep '^Mr\.'

EDIT: Adding an example with your example text file string:

grep '^1' myfile.txt

The example above will find any lines with starting with the number 1.

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