linux/bash equivalent of mv -t

ls -al | grep -v '^d' | xargs mv -t mysubdir

I use the above command extensively on Red Hat systems.

It moves all files in the current directory to mysubdir

$ mv --version
Usage: mv [-f] [-i] [-e warn|force|ignore] f1 f2
       mv [-f] [-i] [-e warn|force|ignore] f1 ... fn d1
       mv [-f] [-i] [-e warn|force|ignore] d1 d2

what is the above command's equivalent in HP-UX (HP-UX 11i Version 3 Feb 2007)


If xargs on your HP-UX 11i has the -I flag you can do this, although I'm not entirely sure how you have managed to use ls -l output with the mv:

ls -al | grep -v '^d' | xargs -I {} mv {} mysubdir

Failing that you could do this, which I think would be my preferred solution:

ls -a | while read ITEM; do test ! -d "$ITEM" && mv "$ITEM" mysubdir; done

Either can be encompassed with a shell function or script, so the length of the one-liner isn't necessarily relevant.

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