array pointers in c++


How do you access/dereference with arrays in c++??

for example, if I have this code

int num[] = {0,1,2,3};
int *p = #

I thought p was point to the first element in num array?

For some reason, I get a compiler error.

I want to use pointers and increments to access and change the value that is pointing,

for example, p gets the address of the first variable in the int array num and if I increment p, I get the address of the second variable in the int array num.

Any tips would be appreciate it.


I thought p was point to the first element in num array?

No. int *p = # is wrong, since &num is not a pointer to an int, i.e. int*, but is actually a pointer to an array of ints, i.e. int (*) [4].

To get a pointer to the first element, you can use int *p = num;, or int *p = &num[0]; instead.

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