C passing array of pointers


This relates to C. I am having some trouble understanding how I can assign strings to char pointers within arrays from a function.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void function(char* array[]);

int main(void)
    char* array[50];
    printf("array string 0: %s\n",array[0]);
    printf("array string 1: %s\n",array[1]);


void function(char* array[])
    char temp[] = "hello";
    array[0] = temp;
    array[1] = temp;


Ideally, I would like the main printf function to return

array string 0: hello
array string 1: hello

But I'm having trouble understanding arrays of pointers, how these pass to functions and how to manipulate them in the function. If I declare a string like char temp[] = "string" then how do I assign this to one of the main function array[i] pointers? (assuming I have my jargon right)


char temp[] = "hello"; only creates a local, temporary array inside the function. So when the function exists, the array will be destroyed.

But with array[0] = temp; you're making array[0] point to the local array temp.

After the function returns, temp doesn't exist anymore. So accessing array[0] which pointed to temp will cause undefined behavior.

You could simply make temp static, so it also exists outside the function:

static char temp[] = "hello";

Or, you could copy the "hello" string to array[0] and array[1]. For copying C-strings, you normally use strcpy.

char temp[] = "hello";
strcpy(array[0], temp);
strcpy(array[1], temp);

However, before copying you need to make sure array[0] and array[1] point to memory that has enough space to hold all characters of "hello", including the terminating null character. So you have to do something like this before calling strcpy:

array[0] = malloc(6); 
array[1] = malloc(6);

(6 is the minimum numbers of characters that can hold "hello".)

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